Versão em português

_Centre for Design History, University of Brighton

The Centre for Design History brings together professors and PhD students from the University of Brighton interested in investigations into the production and circulation of design artifacts. Priscila Farias has collaborated with the Centre since 2017, and is one of its associate members.


Priscila Lena Farias


EAD2023 - 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design
16 to 20 October 2023 / São Paulo Hub: 17 October 2023

P&D Design
26 to 29 October 2022

International Conferences on Design History and Studies - ICDHS
19 to 21 October 2022

4º Research Journey of LabVisual *
12 May 2022

Expanding Graphic Design Histories 2021/2022
24 February and 31 March 2022

DiaTipo X
11 December 2021

ATypI All Over
2 to 4 December 2021

Typography Meeting - ET 2021
25 to 27 November 2021

II Seminar Archives, Historiography and Preservation: contemporary perspectives
22 november to 07 december 2021

Expanding Graphic Design Histories 2021/2022
28 October 2021

International Congress of Information Design - CIDI 2021
18 to 22 october 2021.

USP International Symposium of Undergraduate Research - SIICUSP
15 September to 29 October 2021

Reflecting on Global Design History Practices
2 February 2019

DHS 2018: Design and Displacement
6 to 8 September 2018

ICDHS 10+1 2018 - Barcelona - International Conference on Design History and Design Studies
29 to 31 October 2018

ICDHS 2016 - The International Conference on Design History and Design Studies
16 to 28 October 2016

DRS 2016 - Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference
28 to 30 June 2016

Eeum: Design Connects, International Design Congress 2015
17 to 23 October 2015

ATypI 2015 - 59th Association Typographique Internationale Annual Conference
14 to 17 October 2015

DHS 2015 - Annual Design History Society Conference - How We Live, and How we Might Live: Design and the Spirit of Critical Utopianism
11 to 13 September 2015

CIDI 2015 - 7th Information Design International Conference
2 to 5 September 2015

Surprised by history: revisiting the imaginary landscape of our typographic past / a lecture by Catherine Dixon *
2 july 2015

Design research, postgraduate studies and internationalization / a lecture by Jeremy Aynslay *
30 June 2015

Arqueología de la letra en América Latina: hacia un atlas de la tipografía colonial / a lecture with Marina Garone Gravier *
2015, April 17th

Design and the fan experience / a lecture on design for major events signage with professionals from Icon Brazil *
April 14 2015

3rd Visual Design Research Day *
2013, 13-14 November

2nd Visual Design Research Day *
2012, 8-9 November

ICDHS 2012 - Design Frontiers: territories, concepts, technologies *
2012, 3-6 September

1st Visual Design Research Day *
2011, November 4th