[completed] São Paulo city Graphic Memory: the formation of a local typographic repertoire in the nineteenth century
Keywords: typography; graphic design; Brazilian graphic memory; São Paulo; design historyBegin: 2017 | End: 2020
Continuing the investigations on São Paulo City Graphis Memory started in 2014, this research project aims at the reconstruction of the typographic repertoire of four printing shops identified as central to the formation of São Paulo typographic taste in the 19th century: Typographia d'O Farol Paulistano (1827-c.1834), Typographia Imparcial de Marques & Irmão (1854-c.1888), the Typographia Allemã (1863-c.1876), and Jorge Seckler's 'typographia a vapor. (1873-c.1890).
Funding agency
Brenna Gonçalves OriaFabio Mariano Cruz Pereira (Museu Paulista, USP, Brasil)
Jade Samara Piaia (UNESP-Bauru, Brasil)
Laura Benseñor Lotufo
Matheus Rodrigues Borba
Olivia Lapa Cavallari
Priscila Lena Farias (Responsible)
Roberta Akegawa Cunha
Vítor Martins Oliveira